Cake Art Malta is not limited to occasions. With numerous talent and expertise, skills get coordinated and synchronized to come up with 3D cake designs that will suit the respective occasion. Cake Art Malta can make any 3D cakes, wedding cakes, kids’ birthday cakes, and graduation cakes. They make cakes depending on the customer’s specification and also extend their expert advice in helping the client come up or choose the kind cake that best suits the occasion.

Cake Art Malta will therefore have that original touch even during the celebration that will make a good name for you in the midst of your guests. The cake you order can be designed to communicate the message of culture, music, religion, hobbies or any other information as per your instructions. The workmanship that is exhibited by the cake makers at Cake Art Malta is personal in the sense that they do it with passion and commitment.
At Cake Art Malta you also get uniqueness of design. This follows the experience and professionalism of the bakers who are able to develop unique imaginations of how the cake should be and actualize these imaginations in 3D.

Cake Art Malta also sells quality, which is the best standard any business in the food industry can capitalize in. In this respect therefore, Cake Art Malta only uses ingredients that are of good quality. This is important because it helps protect the health of the customers. The use of quality ingredients is one the surest way of showing concern for one’s customers.
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Fiona (Saturday, 13 May 2023)
Hi. Would you be able to make a cake of a statue - San Giogio di Ragusa - between 6 " to 8 " tall , and how much would it be please ? I would need it for the first week in June